⼀站式 LED 虛擬棚
由米斯專業團隊打造「LED 虛擬棚」的擬真視覺效果,透過尖端虛擬製作技術,打破傳統影視界限帶你體驗沉浸式世界,感受影視製作的⾰命性變化。
1.Real-Time Rendering
Our virtual production technology enables real-time rendering, allowing directors and cinematographers to visualize scenes instantly. This innovation simplifies the creative process and enhances production efficiency.
2.Unleash Creative Freedom
Break free from the limitations of the real world and no longer be constrained by environment. We can bring imaginative ideas to life within virtual scenes on LED screen. At Makee Studio, we can create diverse temporal and spatial settings, adding unique creative elements to every story and scene.
3.Camera Tracking Technology
Camera tracking technology ensures precise synchronization between real and virtual scenes. This technology seamlessly integrates actual footage with virtual environments, significantly enhancing the realism of the visuals.
114 台灣台北市內湖區瑞光路335號2樓
位於台北市中心「內科之心 t.Hub」,擁有業界最高標準設備的「綠幕虛擬棚」與「全台首座電影級LED 背景屏」。開放式的寬廣空間新穎,備有專業造型化妝間與獨立 VIP 休息空間,隱密性極高且內裝更衣室、全身鏡、舒適沙發休息區,讓藝人、專業講師等貴賓在錄影過程中享有賓至如歸之感。
綠棚:42 平方公尺的大面積綠棚空間
LED棚:極細緻P1.8 LED 電影拍攝屏