
Seeing is Believing-Experience Immersive Environments Through Screens!


Makee Studio Leads the Way with MIT Background Screen: Taiwan’s First Movie-Quality Micro-Pitch Background Screen!

Unlocking unlimited remote business opportunities: A close look at the “NDI & Friends 2022 Media Technology Forum” and its real-time virtual trends.

MeTec 2021 Media Technology Expo


The Rotary Club utilized Makee Studio to film an international promotional video

Makee Studio Open House Grand Opening Party

t.Hub Neihu Grand Opening

Makee Studio completed, with partners gathering for a joyful reunion

The first BOT project during Mayor Ko’s term, “t.Hub Neihu” is set to grandly open.

The evening before the opening of t.Hub Neihu Heart, Chunghwa Telecom co-hosts the “Cloud Week” event, capturing the moment.


大白棚 (平面拍攝):  3,500/每小時*改色費用另計
中棚 (綠棚): 2,500/每小時
小棚 (黑棚): 2,000/每小時
一樓全區使用影片拍攝(可收音):  6,000/每小時 (四小時起租)

二樓實景直播棚 : 3,000/每小時 (四小時起租)